Context and Perspective

1) Read the introduction to social concerns, the evangelism/social concerns connection, the gospel and meta-narrative portion on the social concerns tab, and social concern and cross cultural communication

2) What were some of the more important issues that were highlighted as they seem relevant to you? Make a note of these to perhaps discuss with those who go through this training with you.

Nighthawks by Edward Hopper

Chicago Institute of Art, Photo: JAC

3) It’s important to see the sort of evangelistic opportunities that arise from this “Human Trafficking” outreach in the context of the sort of relational evangelism we wish to promote among university professors.  It would be useful if you were familiar with our perspective on that. Please take a few minutes to look over the how we designed “Relational Evangelism” and we will discuss if and how it might be used for the “Human Trafficking” event. You can access that information by clicking on the link provided below and writing down your questions and observations for discussion later. Be sure to explore all of the resources on that tab. © Academic Connections, International