Version 2.84
- Selected Science Site Links
- Key Intro Articles & Resources
- Selected Readings
- Selected Articles
- Science/Faith Podcast 1
- Science/Faith Podcast 2
- Additional Video
- Subsites:
- Community (forthcoming)
- About
It would be a colossal understatement to say that science plays an important and influential role both in academe and in our general culture. Indeed, it is thought in some circles that science just is the paradigm of rationality. Setting aside the fact that science, whatever exactly it is, flourished in the West where Christianity has reigned and not in other parts of the world where it hasn't, and setting aside the fact that many of the greatest scientists were theists--like Newton and Faraday, it is widely thought that science in some important sense has undermined revealed religion.
But how in these latter days as scholars and Christians are we to think about science, as we seek to integrate our Christian faith with it? Is there more than one way to do this? Do religion and science, as some say, not mix like oil and water? Does science, instead, confirm metaphysical naturalism? Is science when practiced with the convention of methodological naturalism, neutral with regard to religion and the Christian religion in particular?
The resources on the pages in this section are top heavy on philosophy of science (including an under construction philosophy of science sub-site) and examining scientific methodological assumptions--for obvious reasons--our underlying assumptions about the nature of science and its methods critically shape the results of our investigations. Why should Christian scholars accept uncritically our secular colleagues conceptions of science and its methodology in all areas? It would seem foolish to do so without very careful investigation into it, because it could be at this critical level, not neutral with respect to our faith.
As always, articles on site or links do not necessarily constitute an endorsement and at times represent multilple points of view. These resources are updated frequently.