Academic Connections, International © Academic Connections,International
Quarens Intellectum
This lifetime project is sometimes called Integrative Christian Scholarship or as we like to sometimes call it, thinking Christianly. We think it is extremely important for Christians who are called by God to serve in academe to consider this as part and parcel to their stewardship of that calling. For example, have you asked yourself these kinds of questions?
• As a Christian professor have you considered how your faith and your academic discipline might relate?
• Have you critically explored the underlying assumptions and methods of your academic work and discovered how your Christian faith might inform these issues?
• What are some ways you can get beyond merely a Sunday school understanding of your faith?
• Are there ways you can help fellow Christians in the broader community to keep from being overwhelmed by their culture?
• What are some things you can say to a Christian audience in academe about how your faith interacts with, shapes, or plays a role in your scholarship?
• What are some ways you can order this life-project coherently?
We wish to provide resources that will help aid you in considering answers to these kinds of questions.

Academic Connections, International
Credo ut Intelligam
Enjoy browsing through the gateway portals above! Remember we will be adding additional resources to all of these portals, so in a sense, they are all, always under construction--some more than others.
To enter click on linked descriptions; it will open a separate new window.
Navigation from there is fairly simple, just use the tabs at the very top of that page for “horizontal” navigation. You’ll find the “vertical” navigation links once you begin to drill down into the material, and those links can be used to get back out to where you want to be. These resources are intended to stimulate your thinking and provide easy access to useful tools.
As always, inclusion of any resources on these sites does NOT necessarily constitute endorsement--they are for research and to provide in some cases multiple points of view, some of which we would disagree with.
Again, please remember that all of the sub-sections are always under construction....some more than others...and we will coming back to this when we have time to add resources.
About link for this page layout only. Separate “about” links are included in each individual section of this portal.
Faith and Scholarship - For Christian Professors
We suggest entering into these resource collections with your critical thinking cap on and with the perspective of possibly mentoring your Christian faculty colleagues more competently and effectively. This portal is about the life of the mind, understood to be an integral part of loving the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and an integral part of your professional life in the academic world. In the words of C.S. Lewis, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
Academic Connections, International
Explore the Faith and Scholarship Portals